
Plus Energy Building HUB

The 2CAP-Energy Atlas is an open-access and open-source online tool targeting researchers which serves as a repository for the CULTURAL-E project finding. The 2CAP-Energy Atlas is complemented and linked to the Plus Energy Building HUB, another project deliverable, which is a platform that supports PEB designers working on PEB multi-family residential buildings. The Plus Energy Building HUB gathers the contributions of PEB design professionals wanting to showcase their work and learn further about PEBs.

You can access the Plus Energy Building HUB here:

Access to the Plus Energy Building HUB

Please feel free to contact us with any potential suggestions, avenues for collaboration, etc., for both for the 2CAP-Energy Atlas and the Plus Energy Building HUB

Contact us

Eurac Research

Roberto Lollini

Annamaria Belleri

Daniele Antonucci

Andrea Vianello

Beatriz Pineda

Ralph Horne

Wilmer Pasut

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement N. 870072. The content of this website reflects only the author’s view only and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.